viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011


Hello everyone!
This week we had to find the distribution of the inter arrival time and service time of each station. For this task, we applied goodness-of-fit test for each station service time and for the inter arrival time, by using an statistical software (Crystal Ball). The results are presented in the next charts.

The following graphs show the closest distribution found by the software. However, none distribution fitted perfectly to our taken times.

In order to find distributions, the following tables show how to calculate the mean and the variance for  each one. The results for the distribution of the service times, and the inter-arrival time, are shown in the second table.

Time Units in minutes.

Thank you for reading us!

Nataly Patacón
Camila Fonseca
Fernand Malagón
Alejandro Moreno

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice pic... !!

    Please, update tables with...

    * TIME UNITS... secs, mins, hours...

  2. en la tabla final, los tiempos para cada estación hacen referencia a solamente a servicio ??? y los resultados de media y varianza del tiempo en cola??

    (aunque en el párrafo inicial parece ser que se refieren a servicio, es mejor aclarar en la TABLA final a que se refiere:

    * Tiempo de Servicio,
    * Tiempo en Fila...
